In Plural
05/07/2019 al 04/08/2019
Hora inicio: Sans spécifier - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Casa del Cable
“En Plural” (“In Plural”) combines 17 original and personal photography projects. It covers journalism and photography by artists, on different media, with personal museography. Each project has a montage which aims to attract the spectator, making them stop and discover the communication between the photo and themselves.
Expositions gratis

Xàbia, history of its gastronomy
Hora inicio: 19:00 - Hora fin: 20:30
Zone: Tourist Info Xàbia Centre
Guided Thematic route in the Soler Blasco Archaeological-Ethnological Museum and Municipal Market with mine-gourmet menu. In spanish.
Routes et excursions Precio 10€ adults, children 6€