Raw Jávea - Xàbia
04/07/2020 al 30/09/2020
Hora inicio: Sans spécifier - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Yacht Club
Exhibit of 25 photographies by Javier Díez. More info: www.jdiez.com www.cnjavea.net
01/07/2020 al 15/09/2020
Hora inicio: Sans spécifier - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Isabel Bilbao Galeria
Oscar Bento presents his collection: "40 años pintando en Jávea" (40 years painting in Javea) in which he invites us to explore the fascinating and multiple memories reflected in the paintings. www.memoriesoscarbento.com
Riurau Film Festival
Hora inicio: 21:30 - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Arnauda's Riurau
IX Edition International Exhibition of Short Films MEDI AMBIENT I LA MAR. 15min 41s : LA MER Victor Claramunt. España. 2min 12s. uNpACKAGING ziREjA. España. 9min 26s. REWILD N. Chin & E. Zacharevic. Indonesia. 4min 03s. FICCIÓ GENERAL. 86min 58s : UNA NOCHE CUALQUIERA Juanlu Moreno. España. 18min 50s. INTERCEPCIÓN Luis A. Fernández. España. 5min 54s. FIFTY Javier Dampierre. España-Estados Unidos. 18min 48s. ELECTRIQUE François le Guen. France. 3min 33s. A-1606 Ricard Peitx. España. 19min 53s. BURQA CITY Fabrice Bracq. France. 20min 0s. OCEANOGRÀFIC AWARDS
Book Presentation
Hora inicio: 19:30 - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Public Library Centre Historique
Presentation of the book of Paul Alcaide on the folklore of the Valencian lands, where the most genuine customs and traditional music are described.