Linea Vital. Exhibition by Silvia Lerin
10/05/2024 al 16/06/2024
Hora inicio: Sans spécifier - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Casa del Cable
The “Life Line”/”Linea Vital” exhibition explores the visual and conceptual experience of the line as a metaphor of life, such as the road that we draw, the line that continues, that separates and that unites. This exhibition represents a return to the pictorial texture that has characterized this artist for over 20 years in her artistic career, in which painting, color and texts play a leading role.

Arquitectura burguesa de la pasa en Xàbia
Hora inicio: 19:00 - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Arnauda's Riurau
A stroll through bourgeois architecture for the raisin trade in Xàbia. Guided visit will be led by David Gutiérrez (A walk through art). Prior registration required: 646 87 50 14
Routes et excursions 10€, children: 5€

"Sorolla in the port and Tango cove"
09/06/2024, 23/06/2024
Hora inicio: 09:45 - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Port Fish Market
Guided tour in English with David Gutiérrez (A walk through art). Prior reservation, tel.: 646 87 50 14
Routes et excursions Adults: 10€, infantil: 5€