Voir les évènements de cette semaine15 jours

Water shadows

13/09/2024 al 23/11/2024

Hora inicio: Sans spécifier - Hora fin: Sans spécifier

Zone: Recoleto Creative

To highlight two visions that, although they differ in chromaticism, temperatures, finishes and surfaces, manage to coexist through contrast. They are the two faces of the moon. One incandescent and bright, the other hidden in the shadows. This binomial between light and shadow finds several points of contact. Both born from the articulation of the 5 elements: Water, Air, Space, Fire and Earth. The proposals coexist because their differences do nothing but exalt one another. Two ceramists with particular searches that range from the matte whites and typical colors of the local lands of this coast of the Mediterranean, to the black and smoky colors of the depths of distant Latin America.  


Handicraft market

20/10/2024, 27/10/2024, 03/11/2024, 10/11/2024, 17/11/2024, 24/11/2024

Hora inicio: 11:00 - Hora fin: 14:00

Zone: Paseo Marítimo Joaquín Sorolla

Everything sold at this small fair is handmade: watercolors, leather combined with macramé, pottery, wooden toys and very original jewelry ... Sunday opening hours: from 11am. until 2pm.  


"En el mar de Sorolla" in Xàbia / Jávea

19/10/2024, 16/11/2024, 21/12/2024

Hora inicio: 10:30 - Hora fin: Sans spécifier

Zone: Port Fish Market

A tour (in Spanish) to discover the paintings from Xàbia shown in the exhibition "En el mar de Sorolla con Manuel Vicent" ("In the Sea by Sorolla with Manuel Vicent") -Bancaja Foundation, Valencia- in the same place where they were painted.

Routes et excursions Precio 10€, children: 5€

"En el mar de Sorolla" in Xàbia / Jávea

20/10/2024, 17/11/2024, 22/12/2024

Hora inicio: 10:30 - Hora fin: Sans spécifier

Zone: Port Fish Market

A tour, in English, to discover the paintings from Xàbia shown in the exhibition "En el mar de Sorolla con Manuel Vicent" ("In the Sea by Sorolla with Manuel Vicent") -Bancaja Foundation, Valencia- in the same place where they were painted.

Routes et excursions Precio 10€, children: 5€

Espectacle "Ohlimpiadas"


Hora inicio: 11:00 - Hora fin: 12:00

Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)

Com a part de la programació per a la commemoració del 25 de novembre, dia internacional per a l'eliminació de les violències contra les dones, hem organitzat un espectacle a l'aire lliure per a totes les edats, el 24 de novembre a les 11:00 a la plaça del portal del clot. Aquest espectacle versa sobre dues netejadores que, avorrides de la seua rutina diària, entren en un món d'ensomni on la seua jornada laboral és retransmesa com si es tractara d'una competició olímpica. El gest esportiu, la dansa, els portés acrobàtics i l'humor donen suport a aquest món de disbarat, el qual mostra una de les violències masclistes més instaurada en la nostra societat, la falta de reconeixement de les tasques domèstiques i de cures.


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