Nadal jove i esportiu
26/12/2022 al 28/12/2022
Hora inicio: 10:00 - Hora fin: 13:30
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
NADAL JOVE i ESPORTIU . (Young and Sporty Christmas) Space for children with inflatable zones, simulators, trampolines, storytelling, wooden games and musical shows in Plaza Constitución.
Pour les enfants Free

Anton Gudzykevych and Mariia Zhurykova
11/11/2022 al 07/01/2023
Hora inicio: Sans spécifier - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: GudzGallery
Zhurykova, painting, sculpture and ceramics at the Art Gallery: Gudzgallery. Timetable: From Monday to Saturday, 11:00 - 14:00 or also with prior appointment outside the timetable. Additional information at: https://gudzgallery.com/es