Tom Watson "Glimpse"
15/12/2023 al 15/02/2024
Hora inicio: Sans spécifier - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Recoleto Creative
The photographer's jorney began at the age of six sparked by a firecracker and a bottle shaping a unique perspective akin to a camera's monocular vision. Born in the 50's in Staten Island, New York, the artist delved into photography to proof their visual prowess.

Cantores Sanctis Diebus
Hora inicio: 17:00 - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Mare de Déu de Loreto Church
The English choir Cantoes Sanctis Diebus, whose conductor is Nicholas Hale, will sing master works of the renaissance of T L by Victoria and William Byrd. More information at tel.: 689 549 266 and e-mail: thenicholashale@gmail.com.
Musique Donation