Festival Ojos Rojos: Nina Llorens Peters - Biblioteca d'ànimes
24/09/2021 al 17/10/2021
Hora inicio: Sans spécifier - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Isabel Bilbao Galeria

Festival Ojos Rojos: "Correspondència amb Mediterrànea" by Xavier Mollà
24/09/2021 al 17/10/2021
Hora inicio: Sans spécifier - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Casa del Cable
"Correspondència amb Mediterrània" is the result of over twenty-five years of photographing the Mediterranean Sea, the large stage of our territory. It was presented at the Valencian Museum of Illustration and Modernity, MuVIM.

Festival Ojos Rojos: Workshop "Photography and Photobook" by Xavier Mollà
25/09/2021 al 26/09/2021
Hora inicio: 09:00 - Hora fin: 13:30
Zone: Ca Lambert
All the information about this workshop, price and registration, can be found on the website: https://festivalojosrojos.com/taller-fotografia-y-fotolibro/
Autres Precio on request

Festival Ojos Rojos: Workshop "Library of Souls" by Nina LLorens Peters
Hora inicio: 10:00 - Hora fin: 13:30
Zone: Culture Centre
All the information about this workshop, price and registration, can be found on the website: https://festivalojosrojos.com/taller-biblioteca-de-almas/
Autres Precio on request